Inclusion Statement
We believe that pet play is for everyone.
VicPAH is committeed to ensuring our association remains open and safe for all members of our highly diverse community, by providing an inclusive environment in which everyone is treated fairly, and with respect and dignity. VicPAH celebrates our differences, and recognise their benefits.
These differences can include;
- gender and gender expression
- sexual orientation
- age
- ethnicity
- nationality
- religious beliefs
- cultural backgrounds
- socio-economic backgrounds
- marital or family status
- ability levels and disabilities
- perspectives
- experience levels
- and other areas of potential difference.
We believe that the benefits of pet play should be available to all people,
without regard to gender, sexuality, age or any other background, identity or ability.
VicPAH’s diversity and inclusion philosophy is to create an environment where all interested pet play participants can feel free to attend as their authentic selves and help shape our community.
This means:
- We are able to attract, retain and support members from the widest possible pool of interest
- We foster a culture that shares our values of everyone being welcome and respected
- We maintain an inclusive and safe environment that supports wellbeing, authenticity and diversity
- We welcome the input and voice of everyone in the organisation and community
- We actively defend the diversity of our community by ensuring that all members act with respect to other members and community participants.
Members or community participants who do not adhere to the policy of respect for others may be excluded from events or social media platforms.
VicPAH is an 18+ Space
VicPAH recognises the legal and ethical risks and vulnerability of those yet to reach the age of majority.
Inclusion in spaces created, or managed by VicPAH including membership, is limited to people over the age of 18.