Whether you’re an experienced Puppy, Pet, or Handler, or simply curious, VicPAH’s Mosh is a welcoming and safe play space for you to enjoy. This 18+ meet is open to all diverse gender and sexual identities, however this is not a sex on premises event. At the mosh you can get on all fours and play, socialise over pizza with others in our community, or just relax and take a snooze in headspace. We also have a growing collection of games and activities including a ball pit, an adult sized jenga set, and a connect 4 set. Photography This event will have a photographer on site. please let them know if you do not want any photos taken of you, or only photos without your face visible. Our photography follows the VicPAH Photo Policy We take a group photo every mosh, just after pizza
Please do not take personal photos of others at the event or around the entrance or exit. Photos will be posted to our social media and to the VicPAH Gallery Dress Code Hoods, tails, kitty gear, pony gear, plain clothes, harnesses, leather, rubber, neoprene, drag, anything you like! No nudity, including visible genitals under sheer/mesh clothing. No shoes of any kind on the mats, and please avoid any hard spikes, buckles, locks or chains on the mats. There is a change room upstairs at the venue. Refunds Email bark@vicpah.org.au within 24 hours after the event to organise a refund. If you are experiencing financial hardship and are unable to afford a ticket, or if you have any questions, concerns, or you’re just feeling nervous, don’t hesitate to reach out to bark@vicpah.org.au or via one of our social media groups.
tickets: http://thq.fyi/se/D0xS5Eo
Member $15.50
Member + Pizza $21
Non-member $21
Non-member + Pizza $28